Peripheral Vascular Disease Screening

Peripheral Vascular Disease Screening package includes the following tests:

  1. Carotid Doppler ultrasound,
  2. Aorta ultrasound
  3. Ankle Brachial Index

Breast Screening

Breast ultrasound screening can be added to any screening package or done separately. Screening consists of a detailed scan of both breasts starting in the axillary region (underarm) and includes all areas available for examination.

Call Us:  757-575-5460

Comprehensive Cardiovascular Screening

Comprehensive Cardiac screening package includes the following tests:

  1. Carotid doppler ultrasound
  2. Aorta ultrasound
  3. Ankle Brachial Index
  4. Limited echocardiogram (heart ultrasound)
  5. EKG

Comprehensive Cancer Screening

Comprehensive cancer screening package includes the following tests:

  1. Thyroid ultrasound
  2. Liver ultrasound
  3. Kidney ultrasound
  4. Spleen ultrasound
  5. Gallbladder ultrasound
  6. Bladder ultrasound
  7. Scrotum ultrasound
  8. Uterus ultrasound
  9. Ovary ultrasound

Hampton Roads Ultrasound